Vitamin C Dosage Per Day

Vitamin C Dosage Per Day

What Is Liposomal Vitamin C? Health Benefits, Usage and Dosage.

Vitamin C is not new to us. We all know the great benefits that it has to our bodies.

In recent years, we have been learning more about supplements, but one has been piquing our interests for a while. A liquid, gooey form of Vitamin C called liposomal vitamin C.

This in-depth article provides all the essential information about liposomal Vitamin C – what it is, its health benefits, and other frequently asked questions. We are confident that, by the time you are done with this article, you should know all you need to know about it.

Let's dig in.

Liposomal Vitamin C

What Is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C commonly known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient . Your body needs Vitamin C for various core functions, and the key one is fighting inflammation.

It is also great for improving immunity, production of carnitine, and collagen. Vitamin C also plays a major role in the repair and growth of body tissues.

Other animals like dogs can create their own Vitamin C, but unfortunately, humans cannot. This makes it our task to take Vitamin C in our diet.

Supplements are great, and all, but having a diet rich in Vitamin C is a great way to make sure you have enough.

Vitamin C, like many other essential nutrients, is water-soluble. This makes its absorption in the cells a little challenge.

Our cells are covered by a membrane that allows nutrients to go in. However, the membrane is made of fats and only allows a small amount of water-soluble nutrients into the cell.

You may have heard that Vitamin C is best administered via injection. The reason this seems to work better is that there is an immediate spike of the vitamin in the blood. This way, lots of it is picked up by cells. [ 1 ]

Liposomal Vitamin C

What Are Liposomes?

Liposomes are vesicles that consist of fluid and a lipid bi-layer. Normally, the lipid bi-layer encloses the fluid.

Liposomes are the best inter-cell transporters because they are made of the same lipids that make up the cell membranes.

The cell membrane is designed to allow things into the cell and keep others out. Since it is made of a lipid bi-layer, it mostly allows lipid-soluble nutrients inside.

Water-soluble nutrients might have a problem getting into the cell because, as we all know, oil and water do not mix.

Liposomes became a groundbreaking discovery because they helped increase the bioavailability of water-soluble nutrients . In this case, the lipid bi-layer encases the water-soluble nutrient.

But what is bioavailability?

When nutrients are absorbed into the cells, only a percentage of them are absorbed. The rest is either stored and used later or discarded by the body. The percentage of the nutrient that gets absorbed is its bioavailability.

Liposomes are also tiny and cannot be seen by the human eye. This also helps them increase bioavailability. [ 2 ]

Liposomal Vitamin C Supplement

What Is Liposomal Vitamin C?

Liposomal Vitamin C is Vitamin C in a liposome. The liposomes are very small and mimic our cells.

This means that liposomal Vitamin C avoids the digestive system that lengthens the absorption process.

Liposomal Vitamin C has many benefits that we will cover later. But it is important to note that liposomal vitamin C is much more effective than traditional Vitamin C . [ 3 ]

Vitamin C Supplement

What Is The Difference Between Traditional and Liposomal Vitamin C?

The main differences between liposomal Vitamin C and traditional Vitamin C have to do with their bioavailability.

Because traditional Vitamin C is soluble in water, its bioavailability is very low. Only about 12%-14% of it is absorbed when it is taken orally.

Some of the benefits that put liposomal vitamin C a cut above traditional Vitamin C include:

The protection of Vitamin C by degradation by oxygen.

When traditional Vitamin C is taken orally, some of it is oxidized, which reduces its efficiency.

Liposomal Vitamin C greatly reduces the likelihood of oxidation and increases the efficiency of Vitamin C in body functions.

Stays in your system longer

When you take traditional Vitamin C, its level peaks for about 2 to 4 hours in the blood. After this period, what the body considers excess is expelled via urine or, in extreme cases, stool.

Liposomal Vitamin C is absorbed directly into the cells keeping the blood levels normal. This means almost all of it will be utilized for body functions.

No bowel discomfort

High levels of traditional Vitamin C can trigger diarrhoea or vomiting to get rid of excess. The bowel discomfort is not likely to happen with liposomal Vitamin C.

Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Improved skin health

The skin is the largest organ in the body and forms the basis of people's insecurities about appearance. Everybody wants to look youthful and get rid of those wrinkles as we age.

Age, UV rays, and health conditions may make it difficult to maintain that youthful look. But liposomal Vitamin C has benefits that can improve your skin. In a recent study, supplementing liposomal Vitamin C can increase skin elasticity by 33%.

Better than nothing, right? Let's look at a few skin issues it may help with.

Repair UV damage

Excessive exposure to UV rays can lead to serious skin conditions like Cancer or melanoma. Liposomal Vitamin C antioxidant properties can help reverse these conditions.

UV damage can also damage the structural components of the skin elastin and collagen. Vitamin is a vital component in the synthesis of collagen.

Studies have shown that the intake of Vitamin C can increase the thickness and quality of the skin.

Improved production of collagen leads to thicker and smoother skin. It can even help soften the appearance of wrinkles and smile lines [ 4 ].

May help treat Cancer

Cancer ravages the body to a deadly extent. There are several methods of treating it, Vitamin C used with chemotherapy has been found to be very effective.

There have been cases where people went into remission after combining the two in their treatments. [ 5 ]

There is only one caveat; there aren't any studies that show that Vitamin C on its own can treat Cancer. Also, the only form that has been proven effective is intravenous, and it should only be administered by a medical professional.

Improved cardiovascular health

One of the reasons cardiovascular health takes a knock is the damage to blood vessel walls. When there is damage, the body tries to heal the walls by depositing fat tissues on them.

Over time, the fat deposits increase and make the vessels narrow. These vessels then increase the pressure of blood passing through them, and the whole cardiovascular system starts to fail.

Bear in mind; the fat deposits are sticky. As calcium passes through, it gets stuck, further narrowing the vessels.

If you take Vitamin C while the injuries are taking place, there is less need for the deposit of fatty tissues. This means the walls remain healthy, and so does your heart.

Another problem that the heart suffers is called Ischemia-reperfusion injury… an injury caused by oxidative stress. It happens when the heart fails to get enough energy and stops for a little while and then starts to work again. If it occurs frequently, it can lead to heart failure and even death.

Taking Liposomal Vitamin C regularly can reduce the chances of ischemia-reperfusion occurring.

But what if it has already occurred? No problem. Vitamin C can also help heal the injury and prevent reoccurrence of the same! [6 ]

Brain health improvement

Remember collagen? Well, the brain also needs it, especially as we age. It helps maintain or even improve cognitive function in our twilight years.

Vitamin C comes to the rescue again.

Another important brain function that needs vitamin C is the conversion of dopamine to serotonin. Dopamine gives the body energy, but its conversion to serotonin is equally important.

Have you heard of the happy hormone? You guessed it, that is serotonin.

Increased levels of serotonin can help cure or reduce signs of depression and overall anxiety. It is valuable for mental wellness.

As we age, a lot of oxidative stress occurs all over the body, and the brain is not spared. One of the results of too much oxidative stress on the brain is degenerative disorders like Alzheimer's.

Liposomal Vitamin C helps fight oxidative stress and can help reverse, though very minimally, the effects of these degenerative disorders. [ 7 ]


Like we said earlier, traditional Vitamin C has a very low absorption rate. Liposomal Vitamin C greatly increases the bioavailability of the vitamin.

But there's more.

Not only is the absorption faster, but it also ensures that the vitamin is where it is needed the most in the cell.

Liposomal Vitamin C doesn't go through the digestion process, which leads to the loss of a lot of Vitamin C. It also does not allow the Vitamin C to oxidize and become less useful.

Also, because liposomal Vitamin C is absorbed by the cell, it can be absorbed and moved to all parts of the body. This spread of vitamin c also contributes to the body's better performance.

Side Effects of  Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C doesn't have many serious side effects. The most common one is diarrhoea, but it only occurs when you get past the threshold.

The Vitamin C threshold is not the same for everyone. But when you take more than your body can handle, it goes out as loose stool.

For this reason, it is advisable that you take several small doses in a day rather than fewer large doses.

At Vita-C we recommend 1 5ml spoonful per day, or if you are feeling run down you could increase this to two a day.

Usage & Dosage Of Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal vitamin C is one of those supplements that do not have too many restrictions on taking it. You can take it at any time, with or without meals.

However, it is advisable that if you are taking them on their own, you should drink lots of water.

The recommended dosage for liposomal Vitamin C is 1000mg per day.

Top Tips On Choosing The Best Liposomal Vitamin C Supplement On The Market

When shopping for supplements, it is easy to get lost amid millions of marketing taglines and punchlines. Everyone sells so well, but are they legit?

Here are a few things to consider to ensure you get the most value out of your money.

The company manufacturing the supplement

Many companies have joined the supplement business in recent years. Some of them are legit, while some are just in it to make a quick buck and move on to the next craze.

Remember, this is your body we are talking about. You should only take supplements that you are sure are the best for your body.

The best way to know what to buy is to do your due diligence. The internet is the best place to do this kind of research.

This information can literally save your life.

The price

This is another important factor to consider. It wouldn't make any sense to make taking supplements seem like a drug habit.

You should be able to afford it in the long run without spending too much. Also remember that with supplements, expensive isn't always better.

Again, due diligence will save you a lot of grief.

The ingredients

The ingredients will also determine whether the liposomal Vitamin C you are purchasing is legit. The first thing to look out for is the source.

Many GMO substances are showing up in our supplements these days, and they may not be healthy.

The three main ingredients to check out are:

Vitamin C

There would not be a Vitamin C supplement without this, so why are we talking about it?

Well, the source of your vitamin C is critical to how well your body will take it. The most common source is ascorbic acid.

Despite being common, it has a disadvantage; it is not friendly to the digestive system. Taking plenty of it will leave you with some abdominal cramps and even diarrhea.

A friendlier version is sodium ascorbate. It isn't that common and could cost you a little more. But would you rather a few coins or diarrhea? That's your choice to make.


When you find lecithin on the bottle, it will rarely read GMO or Non-GMO.

But wait! We have a trick.

The two main sources of lecithin are sunflower and soybean. At the moment, it is almost impossible to find organic soybean. So, if your lecithin is from soy, be sure it's GMO, and it's something you want to stay away from.


Sugar! Truth be told, you may not be able to take Vitamin C without the sweetener. If you did, your taste buds might hate you for it, for a long time.

But what kind of sweetener are you consuming? The ones to stay away from are fructose, maltose, dextrose, glucose, and lactose. These are all versions of refined sugars.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which form of Vitamin C is best?

Vitamin C comes in various forms. There are chewables, pills – which includes tablets and capsules, and powder.

The form of the supplement that you choose to take depends on your preference. But when it comes to efficiency, powders are better absorbed than the other forms.

However, if you take your supplements on the go, it may be an inconvenience. You may need to have water or other beverages to mix.

There are also injections, although these have to be administered by a medical professional. They are also mostly used in dire situations like on cancer patients to make sure as much of it is absorbed.

Is liposomal Vitamin C easier on the stomach?

Yes, liposomal Vitamin C is easier on the stomach. Since the liposomes are easily absorbed into the cells, very little goes through the digestive system.

Therefore, it will take longer for you to exceed the recommended dosage that may cause stomach issues.

Is liposomal Vitamin C synthetic?

Yes, liposomal Vitamin C is synthetic. The liposomes are made from cholesterol and other forms to mimic our body cells.

In fact, most supplements, if not all, are synthetic. The natural sources of minerals and nutrients are the natural foods we eat.

Is liposomal Vitamin C better than traditional Vitamin C?

From the many benefits we can get from liposomal Vitamin C compared to traditional Vitamin C, we can safely say, it is better.

The main issue of contention is bioavailability. Liposomal Vitamin C has more bioavailability, which means it also helps the body more.

How long does it take for liposomal Vitamin C to work?

The thing with human bodies is that they are very different from each other. How one body responds to a supplement is very different from how another one does.

Despite all the glowing reviews about liposomal Vitamin C, there is still no ideal period for you to start seeing it work.

There has been some speculation about it taking at least 3 weeks to make a difference in your body function.

But here's the thing.

No supplement is a magic pill. Just because you are taking liposomal Vitamin C does not mean you should not maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The basics still apply. Eat healthily, drink lots of water, stay active, and mind your business to protect your peace and mental health as well.

Can you take too much liposomal Vitamin C?

It is highly unlikely that you can take too much liposomal Vitamin C. This is because it is absorbed directly by the cells.

Like we always say, it is important to take precautions. So to be safe, just ensure you do not exceed the daily limit of 2000mg.

Should liposomal Vitamin C be taken on an empty stomach?

You can take liposomal Vitamin C whenever you please. The most important thing is to try and take it at the same time every day.

However, if you are taking large doses at a go, it would be best to take it after a meal. This is because it is very acidic and may give you feelings of nausea if you are hungry.

But if you have to take it on an empty stomach for some reason, follow it up with lots of water. Water will help speed the absorption process and keep the side effects away.

How much liposomal Vitamin C should I take daily?

The recommended dosage for Vitamin C is 2000m per day for adults, both male and female. Children between ages 1 and 3 can tolerate up to 400 mg.

Children above 3 to 8 years can take up to 650 mg and those between this and 13 years up to 1200mg.

Even with these guidelines, it is recommended that you take several small doses throughout the day rather than one large dose.

The Bottom Line

Vitamin C is a vital nutrient in the body. It takes part in several important body functions.

While we can mostly get enough Vitamin C from our diet, health disorders may mean that we need more. This is where Vitamin C and liposomal Vitamin C come in.

If you are supplementing for the sake of supplementing, then traditional Vitamin C will work. However, if you have a dire deficiency problem, then liposomal Vitamin C will be your best bet.

Despite traditional and liposomal Vitamin C having their differences, they each serve a different purpose.

Liposomal Vitamin C keeps levels high in the cells while traditional Vitamin C keeps the blood levels high. Therefore, it is advisable that you use both of them to make sure you have the optimal levels at all times.

Like with any other supplement, it is vital that you complement it with a good diet, exercise, and lots of water.

Remember, you only have one body, and it deserves care. If Vitamin C or liposomal Vitamin C can help, then take your chances.



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Vitamin C Dosage Per Day


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